I think you'll be happy with what my statement is going to be.
I would agree. I think it's shameful, whether it's this government, previous governments, or what have you, that certain provinces are still fighting to get some form of legislation in place. Legislation and leadership need to be done at the federal level. That's why I'm saying now is the time.
In terms of the Minister of Status of Women, I'm amenable to any recommendations that this group has. My challenge is with you, and one that was left off of that is the Minister of Public Safety. It has been noted, and we've had that discussion.
I think it's very important that we are mindful that every day we delay getting the ministers around the table, whether it's the three that you've mentioned, the public safety minister, or the minister of women.... That's what our bill does. It legislates getting the ministers around the table with their provincial colleagues, with industry, and academics to start working on this framework. At that point, who's involved in that, I think that's up to the—