To the best of my knowledge, they have all found a clinical medical expert with long experience in the particular subject. Austria has recently established a scheme, with a government panel advised by a professor of genetics, and the Germans have their Contergan Foundation, which uses Dr. Jurgen Graf. We consulted Dr. Graf, but he doesn't like delivering legal documents in English because it's a little bit outside his language skills. However, he gives his expertise.
In their recent settlements, the Australians used Professor Janet McCredie, with one other, I think.
Brazilians have a government panel set up, advised by Professor Lavinia Schuler-Faccini. Their situation is different, since thalidomide is still available in Brazil and there are still babies being born. I think the most recent that I heard of was in 2012. She described it to the WHO meeting, about trekking through the jungle to identify cases to track down the prescription and where the drug had come from.