On symptoms, I'm always bothered by that question. As a human being, I want to give the benefit of the doubt to my patients. As a scientist, though, I have to say that if you don't know, for instance, whether or not someone has taken a particular drug, I don't see how you should ever say, “Well, this is caused by the drug.” It is opening a loophole in logic and science that you would never be able to justify, I don't think, not scientifically, anyway. That, I think, is the problem.
In countries like Taiwan and Japan that run a so-called drug relief system, if someone has an adverse effect from drug and it's reported, they decide whether that person should be given any special aid. I rather like that scheme. It's a no-fault compensation scheme...well, it isn't a compensation scheme: it just makes sure that the kinds of disasters that our two witnesses talk about in their lives are remedied as far as is possible.