Thank you.
Thank you for your testimony today and for coming in and talking to the committee and sharing very personal health stories and health conditions with us.
Also, thank you, Doctor, for your testimony.
As an opening statement from me personally, as a member of the committee, I'd sooner see the Canadian compensation plan err on the side of compensating people who perhaps weren't necessarily thalidomide victims rather than err on the other side of denying compensation to thalidomide victims. I'd sooner see the error happen in that positive way.
Nevertheless, both in 1991 and in 2015, the criteria in Canada were limited to the knowledge of exposure and proof of exposure to the drug. We have heard from other witnesses that other countries have used more of a mixed model.
Both of you began with testimony about your health factors and conditions. Can I conclude from this that you both would present those birth conditions as being in the cluster of thalidomide-like birth defects that would fall into these medical evaluation criteria?