I might actually break tradition there. I would say that it depends on how you are going to use the money. If it's more of the same, I don't think that's a very good use of the budget whatsoever.
Canadian scientists are very good at scraping along with relatively little money, although we'd always like more, of course. What's important here is to have that funding distributed in a transparent and peer-reviewed process. The framework already identifies policy priorities, which essentially have tagged specific individuals and specific projects, and that's premature. It is premature for policy-makers to say that this is good science and that is bad science. The expertise wasn't in the room when this framework was drafted.
There needs to be a broader call, directed toward the science community as well as the medical community, saying, “What can you do? We have a pot of $4 million. Tell us what's going to help Canadians.” Then send that out to a scientific peer review.