The agency in Quebec is INESSS. We have a good, close working relationship with INESSS. They do similar work to what we do for pharmaceutical reviews.
Where Quebec does have a very good system in place is at the hospital level with the hospital formularies and some of the assessments they would do. Our mandate for a Canada is to look at drugs that are used outside of the hospital. Hospitals are meant to look at their own drugs. That's an area of increasing concern for a number of the provinces in that a patient may be started on a drug when they're in the hospital, get released from the hospital, and then that drug isn't covered by their public or their private plan.
That is an area where Quebec is a bit of a leader in Canada.
For the reviews themselves and the patient engagement, I would say we're probably one of the global leaders in how we engage patients into the process and with our connections with industry to allow them to have good dialogue with us, through engaging clinicians, and with the expert committees that we do. I think we have a lot of world-class practices.