Thank you, Mr. Chair.
Just to let you know, I am an urbanite. I am not a farmer. I don't raise cattle. I am pretty much a layperson here.
I have a question.
Dr. Ireland, you brought up the prudent prescribing of antibiotics by physicians for cattle, for example. Let's say I'm a cattle rancher, and I have some sick cows. I call up the veterinarian, who prescribes some antibiotics for my herd. It improves their health, but they're still needing more antibiotics in order to alleviate or to take away whatever is left there.
With the prudent prescribing that's in place now, you reach a limit with regard to the amount of antibiotics a veterinarian can prescribe to cattle, so here I am now with cows that are still sick, and I've reached my limit with antibiotics. What are my options?