I think this is a fine starting point in the absence of available data on how much individuals might use. I think this would cover a few days of use for perhaps someone who is travelling and wanting access to product of a certain quality out of a certain outlet. I think 30 grams seems like a reasonable limit. I don't think we want to encourage people to be going into cannabis stores on a daily basis in order to pick up their product, any more than we would want people to pop into the beer store on a daily basis.
The evidence suggests that, when it comes to the recreational use of cannabis, it will be quite different patterns of use than with medical use. With medical, when we're talking about chronic pain and mental health conditions, these are chronic conditions and they usually end up seeing chronic use. In fact, with medical cannabis patients in the survey I just shared, 74% of patients use daily. With recreational use I would expect it to be more toward weekends, and in fact I would expect that use to be lower than what we're actually seeing right now with medical use. You can reduce use considerably by encouraging vaporisation and also the use of extracts, which are much longer lasting. Extracts and edibles would further reduce that use.