It's excellent. The kids are called out. The parents are called. Then what they say is you have to see your doctor.
Thank you very much for mentioning it, because my pet peeve is that our medical profession has turned a blind eye to addiction for far too long. The tremendous epidemic of opioids we have is not just because we over-prescribed. People weren't over-prescribing on purpose. It was because we had to treat chronic pain. We had nothing good to do it with, so we tried the opioids.
The big problem is that when people become addicted, or kids have alterations in their behaviour pattern because of early onset use of cannabis, the average doctor doesn't know what he's doing. He's never been taught. Medical schools in 2017 still don't teach addiction.
I've been receiving residents, R2s in family medicine, and third-year medical students for the past 35 years. In my practice, they come and spend a month. I am the only exposure to the treatment of addiction they will get in all their medical training.