CPHA would prefer that the legal drinking age across the country be 19, because we know that with the evidence regarding intoxicated driving and accidents, that one year makes a huge difference. When we once again look at the whole picture, to have alcohol being treated differently from cannabis, it doesn't make a lot of sense to have different ages in different provinces. The education component becomes that much more complicated. It is a false barrier and kids will see through that. They will question that. If they only have to be 18 to drink, why do they have to be 19 to consume cannabis? It's creating that logic of it.
At the same time, I am anticipating that with Ontario and Quebec being border provinces, there will be that disconnect as well. We'll have to start dealing with that the same way we've had to deal with it with alcohol. We would have preferred age 19 across the country, if it matched the legal drinking age across the country.
If I could go back to your previous question, yes, millions of people have died from tobacco smoking. There are no cases of anyone dying of smoking cannabis. Chronic use does have some respiratory issues associated with it, and there have been documented cases of death as a result of edibles. It was—