I've given this some thought. Is it that 1.5 metres or two metres would encompass the majority of plants grown now? I think that is the case, so we could double or increase that grow limit by 50%. That would likely catch or encompass more of the typical growing, including outdoor cultivation.
One of the issues is that cannabis is, in a technical term, photoperiod-sensitive, which means that it flowers when it is exposed to short days. If you're growing cannabis inside, you can make those short days occur just by the flick of a timer or a light switch and force it to flower at 60 centimetres, or 80 centimetres, or a metre or more.
Outside, on the other hand, the day length is, of course, determined by the season. With outdoor cannabis production in Canada now, the flowering starts in August and it might continue through September. Depending where we are in the country, in fact, harvest might be some time around Thanksgiving. What's happening during those long Canadian summers is that the plant is getting quite tall. If we allow outdoor cultivation for typical climates in Canada, we might be approaching a two-metre plant height, or even a little taller, by the time flowering occurs.
Of course, as I said, you can enforce pruning, and people can bend their plant down, or something. However, in general, if you have a limit, a plant number limit, if it's four flowering plants and a few more to tidy up the gardening issues as I suggested, that can be the limit. In terms of what people do within those four plants, if it's 1.5 metres or two metres, or even 2.5 metres, I'm not sure we should be that concerned also about the 100 centimetres or a height limit.
The task force came up with the suggestion of 100 centimetres and I was puzzled why that was. I think it had a lot to do with screening plants in cultivation in people's backyards. The height of a typical fence in Canada is about four feet, by city bylaw, and that would screen out those plants at 100 centimetres. As I indicated in my submission, allow the cities to enact those bylaws. I would just toss out the plant height restriction.