I think it's evident to everybody that the supply of marijuana is not going to decrease. Cannabis is not going to decrease. It's going to increase. The issue of approach that has been identified as an essential concern is what is preoccupying me as an individual and, I think, most of my colleagues as well.
There are ways to approach young people and ways clearly not to, and their inclination to listen and to be influenced by individuals is largely tied to their heroes and influencers of the moment. We have to be very thoughtful about how the messaging is communicated to them.
We're dealing with a situation. Supply is not in decline and won't be in decline. We also have a cultural environment to deal with where it has been cool, and marijuana has some outdated benchmarking against other drugs. It's as if it's less dangerous and less concerning, and therefore, if you indulge in the lesser evil you're within certain boundaries of safety. The fact that there are images of all the cool guys using it is the concern.