Right now, there are two reasons why people use cannabis. One is for recreation purposes, and the other is to medicate, so health and social. The numbers are glaring. There is obviously more use within first nations communities. Why is that? It is because of the social and legacy issues in our communities. The rates of addiction are obviously higher. Suicides are higher. The addictions and the use of cannabis from that perspective are going to be higher.
Another thing we're finding is that more people are wanting to get off opiates. They're wanting to find better pain management for cancer. We're finding that people are saying they're just going to use cannabis for pain management, because it works. This is a reality. The issue at hand is that no studies have been done yet to substantiate that these are, in fact, effective. We have a problem because right now we're looking at individuals who have prescriptions for medical cannabis. They're currently not covered under NIHB, whereas veterans in this country are covered under that program. There are some very contradictory plays at hand, and we feel this needs to be addressed.