Our relationship is at a crossroads right now. We know that the federal government has made substantial commitments. There has been a setting of the table, if you will, but we've not yet experienced the full-meal deal from the federal government. It's really important to recognize that time is of the essence. We cannot be strung along and provided commitments on certain things but not be afforded the resources and the opportunity to help shape the process from the front end and not from halfway down the road. Our challenges are quite deep. We have capacity in our communities to know what our issues are. Oftentimes the federal government going forward on, say, law and policy review will basically shape and shift the process, and we're not at the front end.
We understand, sir, that we're not part of the federal family, but we are the neighbours next door, who've been here since time immemorial. We should be participatory in all parts of the process at the front end. For example, in setting out this legislation, we need to have the resources available. We need to have the ability to help shape how the draft legislation will be done, to have co-development of legislation. I think the federal government is beginning to—