Mr. Tousaw, I'm going to be directing most of my questions to you.
I think you very articulately described the problems with criminalization. To give the government credit, I think that's something that it has recognized itself and is some of fundamental rationale behind this bill. I think Prime Minister Trudeau has recognized that criminalization has simply pushed products underground and has led to the creation of an illicit market that doesn't really work.
You've also pointed out, though, that this bill, Bill C-45, essentially retains a criminalized approach to cannabis. There are criminal sanctions for possession over 30 grams. There are criminal sanctions for growing more than four plants. There are criminal sanctions for selling and, in fact, with penalties of up to 14 years. If criminalization doesn't work generally, is it not somewhat misguided to take a quasi-criminal approach to Bill C-45? Are we going to have problems down the road with the maintenance of the criminalized approach in this bill?