We're quite right that cigarettes are very uniform in terms of how they're sold, but if we broaden the market a little bit to include smokeless tobacco and other nicotine products, we see the sort of variability that you might see in the cannabis market.
With respect to the 30-gram amount, I think manufacturers will shape and size their packages accordingly. I think that you're just trying to avoid any structural size-related messaging that would contravene what's in the act.
One of the reasons for those standardized packages with cigarettes is that we have what are called super slim and slim cigarettes that promote the belief that smoking helps you stay thin, which is a very potent predictor of youth smoking. It was to get rid of all the novelty packaging where they really don't look like a cigarette pack and they look like something else.
I think there will be more variability in the cannabis market. I think there is room for that variability without it being a problem.