Related to homegrown, I just want to share some research. We've done the national survey of people that are using cannabis for medical purposes and there's been an overwhelming sense that people that have been exposed to self-production prefer that as a route for their medical use because they have control over the product, for one. Many of them are quite good amateur botanists, in terms of developing a product that is able to address the symptoms or health conditions that they're using it for. It also allows them to have ready access to their medication versus waiting for it through the mail system that currently exists. Again, it goes back to my point about the importance of regulating home grows, so that we ensure the safety, not only for the people within the home, but for their neighbours and for the larger community.
I also want to make a quick comment on your comment around hyperemesis syndrome. I just want to point out that the legal status of cannabis has made it very difficult, as a researcher, to actually conduct research on cannabis. In order to actually do a clinical trial of cannabis, it can take up to two to three years in order to gain approval through Health Canada to gain access to the actual substance. Many of us in the research community are quite excited by legalization because hopefully, it will open the door to the much-needed research that needs to take place.