Thank you, Chair.
Thank you to all of our witnesses.
Mr. Keith, I think that you have pointed out a real gap in the legislation that will result in workers and employers not being adequately protected when marijuana is legalized. I say that because I think I have some experience in this area. I was the director of engineering and construction at Suncor. We had a drug policy that was a zero tolerance policy that we wanted to implement.
I live in a reasonably small community. We have a lot of tradespeople, and we're well aware of which tradespeople chronically use marijuana. We were unable to do anything about them being on the job site or do any assessment. There was no random testing allowed, and there was no mandatory testing allowed. I would contrast that with some of the best practices that we see elsewhere.
I also worked in the States, with Dow Chemical, Shell, ExxonMobil, and a number of organizations. They not only do random testing, which does give the result that you have indicated in terms of the reduction, but a lot of times there's a mandatory health test where they do drug testing for cannabis before somebody is allowed to join a project construction job.
I think there are examples out there. I would like to see some legislation drafted in here.
I guess, if we decide that we're going to do testing, then, I wonder about the cost that this will put as a burden on organizations. At Suncor, if somebody was using a prescription drug, they had a duty to report to the health nurse. We had a nurse on duty who could do a blood test, but, if you don't have that, then how are going to get those resources in place?
I think the other concern I have is with the data you mentioned on WSIB, that 38% of incidents are related to that. It's a very high number of claims that are refused. As cannabis comes in, and there is such a controversy about whether you're really impaired or not and what the technology can do, I worry that will result in further WSIB claims.
Could you talk a bit about the resourcing impact to the businesses?