Thank you very much, Mr. Chair.
Also, I want to thank the panel for being here today, but again, it emphasizes my frustration that we have such a short period of time with you. I have a lot of questions, but I only have time for a few.
I'm thinking about the 289 days. We've had the advantage of Colorado and Washington in front of us, which have said that to be successful, before you come to the date when you implement, you should have proper education—or in other words, in your case, very important culturally appropriate education—and prevention measures and data collection. You should be working on baseline now and then figuring out how to collect this moving forward. On treatment, you should know how to get especially our kids into treatment, and there's also the research.
What I found very disturbing from your testimony is that it appears that the federal government hasn't reached out through other levels of government to get any of this in place, and we have 289 days. For me, when we see some of the Liberal members criticize other levels of government and law enforcement for not being ready yet, they've had two years to get this in place.... I'm very much concerned, but again, I have a lot of questions, and I would like to talk to you about probably some of the more difficult, controversial things.
Chief Day, you brought up something that no other panellist has brought up about the autonomy and the unique circumstances of some of your communities. You brought up this idea of dry communities. I was wondering if you could explain the rationale for this a bit, but also, because I probably won't have time to ask you again, maybe you can fit in this next part that I think is really important, because this legislation obviously doesn't allow for the necessary autonomy you need. If you could get one thing into this legislation, what would you like to see?
Those are the two things. First, could you talk to me about the controversial...about dry communities? Nobody has brought that up. I want to put you on the spot for that. Also, what would you like to see? Because if they're going to do it this way, we want to make it the best legislation we can to protect the health and safety of our kids. What we learned from Colorado and Washington—and Chief Day was right on it—is that organized crime targets youth. We want to make sure that this is the best legislation we can get. I'll shut up there and let you speak, Chief Day.