It's an interesting point. Let's make it clear. They are trying their hardest in Ontario to get rid of dispensaries already. They've been trying for a while and they are failing miserably.
There are dispensaries in every major city in Canada, and in most minor ones now, just as there are bong shops. I told you that bongs are illegal, too, and we fought, and we were raided, and people went to jail over bongs big time in the 1990s.
The problem you have in enforcing these laws is that the courts are not willing to give us severe penalties, and we have an overburdened justice system. They laid dozens of charges in Toronto and they've kept only a handful of them. In the Cannabis Culture raid when they went after Marc and Jodie Emery and a few others, not a single one of their suppliers was arrested or charged. They're selling cannabis from many companies that have labelling, websites, and phone numbers where you can call them, and people are selling extracts. They could easily, if they wanted to spend the time and effort, go after these people. They're not, because the police and our justice system are not able to handle this kind of mass civil disobedience campaign that we're engaging in.
We like the phrase “overgrowing the government”. There are too many of us willing to go to the end on this for you to keep up. Do you really want to put me in jail for selling cannabis? Is that where you think I belong? I'm going to keep doing it, and that's going to be the only option. I'm going to keep giving away seeds, and I'm going to keep using cannabis.