They're going to make their own edibles anyway, even in a fully legalized market. People enjoy making their own edibles—it's fun. It's like growing your own cannabis. It's an enjoyable activity to grow a plant in your garden, then harvest it and use it. People like that. Tomatoes, or zucchini, or cannabis, people enjoy it. People are going to make their own edibles even under legalization.
Most won't, they'll go buy it in a store because that's easier, but people brew their own wine and make their own beer, and there's nobody coming in and saying we're going to check the alcohol level of that beer and make sure it's at the right level. That doesn't happen, so I think a lot of these concerns are overblown.
I would prefer to see a legally regulated market that's open and accessible for regular Canadians to enter, as it is with other products. Until that day happens, edibles and extracts will continue to be available. We sell pure CBD tincture and pure isolative THC and CBD at dispensaries. We're years and years ahead of where the legal system is going to be, and you have a lot of catching up to do.