You heard from Kirk Tousaw yesterday evening. I wish he were here today to speak in more detail about that case. My understanding is that the spirit of that ruling essentially ensured that there's charter protection for patients to use cannabis in all its forms. We see at our organization that cannabis can be used in a very broad range of forms, many of which have been named here. I think that if all those products are not included in the legal market moving forward, if these regulations don't follow the spirit of that Supreme Court ruling, even though it's about patients but applying it to the recreational market, that again, we're just going to have all those products being produced in an unregulated environment.
One of my greatest concerns is that some cannabis concentrates for inhalation are currently made with carcinogenic solvents like butane. It's a solvent that people use to make inhalable extracts. If it's not produced correctly, carcinogenic remains can be left in the product. Potent, inhaled products are one of the most important things for the government to regulate.