I have some concerns about plain packaging requirements, one being that, again, it will give an advantage to unregulated producers to be able to create colourful or attractive packaging. Anything that you restrict in the legal market that the unregulated market can do is going to create an advantage. In our experience, it's very important to be able to have some product information. Also I think some sort of branding is necessary for consumers to be able to distinguish the producer, what company they're buying cannabis from. I think this place is where this committee will need to find a balance between labelling restrictions and being reasonable about it.
Again, if we look at the way we're able to package alcohol, which we know is more harmful than cannabis, you're able to have product information and some branding, some fonts and colours on the packaging. I think if we want to restrict things like cartoons or things that would specifically draw the attention of children, that's reasonable.