This is a very complex issue. For a long time, the governing bodies of the pharmacies were saying that they were very opposed to medical cannabis. It is not until quite recently that they have come along, realizing that there is quite a large and profitable business to be had being a distributor of medical cannabis.
I do believe that cannabis should be in pharmacies—that's one way to give equal access to patients across the country—but I absolutely do not think it should be exclusively in pharmacies.
Last year, I had the privilege of organizing a special meeting of patients for the task force on legalization with CFAMM and the Arthritis Society. We had a wonderful half-day meeting with a diverse group of patients, and there were only a few of them who wanted to access cannabis only within a pharmacy.
Mandy McKnight, who is here, will talk to you about the problems she has when she goes to get her pharmaceuticals for Liam in the pharmacy, and how what she really wants is something like what the Compassion Club has, which is a specialized medical cannabis storefront where people can come and we will spend 60 to 90 minutes educating them. We will spend the time talking about all the different possible products and how to take them very safely. We have the experience and expertise to take care of medical cannabis patients in a way that I think is superior to what any pharmacy can provide.