Thank you very much.
One of the advantages of this model we're using is that it is an excellent model for us to hear from many witnesses in a condensed time frame. I think this is the seventh time we've actually been able to do another round of questions, which often in our normal set-up we don't have time to do. It has been a good process for us.
I had a town hall in my riding of Oakville and had a good 100-plus people turn up, just people, the general public, who turned up to talk about the legislation and pros and cons. One gentleman really hit home with me. He was really concerned about second-hand smoke from marijuana. He was worried that if he was exposed to it and he got in a car and drove that he would show trace amounts, and he was worried about different health aspects of it.
Dr. Vandrey, I think you have done a study on second-hand smoke from cannabis on non-smokers. Could you share with the committee some of your findings from that study?