I would concur with Councillor Karsten. I think there is a significant difference between sitting at the table as a partner versus being asked for information as a stakeholder, which is what I consider municipalities are doing.
In regard to our invitation here or the meetings we've had with Mr. Blair, we receive a lot of information at the meetings we have with different parliamentarians, but we don't get to have a conversation about what our ideas are and how we think things can move forward. Legislation is set; regulations are set. We offer our input through a survey or some sort of letter. We're really asking for a different model. We're asking for the opportunity to sit at the table and tell you about the concerns that we have. That's not just with the federal government; it's with the province as well. In Alberta they've created the cannabis secretariat, which is administration from the different ministries, but, again, we are just asked to come and present to them what our concerns are. There's no dialogue back and forth. That's where I think the issue was.
In regard to building code safety, we are definitely advocating to the Province of Alberta that they make significant changes. That will allow us, once they've done that, to change the bylaws that we have to be able to enforce those changes. It's just part of that.