For cannabis, I think it would be very wise to learn from the lessons of tobacco and alcohol regulation, very clearly. Recognizing the harms with over-consumption, recognizing the harms with advertising—it's all relevant here. It seems silly to recreate the wheel for cannabis rather than to learn from or use alcohol and tobacco regulation as a model for how to best roll out cannabis, or to look at what's currently being done in Uruguay or in the states in the U.S. that have already legalized non-medicinal use. You have models there. You have regulations on the books in those states and in Uruguay. Look at what they've done and talk to them about what their limitations are, about what they would do if they could go back and change it. Potentially you could come up with a maybe slightly improved model.
The key here is that you really need to establish, and you need to have confidence in, what your unit dose will be and how you will test and do quality control. If you solve those issues, then I think the rest of it should fall in place.