In terms of the delay in time, typically you have the onset of effects of an edible after about 30 minutes. The peak effects happen about an hour and a half later and are sustained until about three hours after administration. The total duration of effects is about six to eight hours. That duration is determined by the dose.
Exactly what is a unit dose is an important question. In Colorado and in other states in the U.S., it's been established that 10 milligrams is a maximum dose, but lower doses are available as well. It's going to be different across individuals.
Body weight isn't necessarily an important characteristic in terms of defining the effect of a dose. There are sex differences in response to cannabis. Females tend to be more sensitive to its effects than males are. I don't think there's enough data to determine what an appropriate unit dose is.
In my lab, we've tested 10-, 25-, and 50-milligram doses in healthy adults. Ten milligrams produces a drug effect without a lot of impairment. But again, that's healthy young adults. In someone who's 65 or 70, that may be different. In someone who has a certain genetic predisposition, where they metabolize the drug differently, that may be different. Again, my studies were done with a total of 35 people, so it's hard for me to say exactly what that right dose is.
Colorado uses 10 milligrams. Perhaps Mr. Vigil can talk about any issues they've had with that unit dose in Colorado.