Many people mentioned it, when this was the case in Colorado and in Washington State.
Do you think that the legalization of marijuana will mean that, overnight, the majority of drivers on the road will have marijuana in their systems? Are the majority of citizens going to start growing marijuana in their apartments? Will most people start using marijuana all of a sudden because it's legal?
I don't know everything, but I'm personally convinced this won't happen. Alcohol, cigarettes and many other products are legal and have negative effects. People know about the dangers associated with their use. So I don't think it will be the end of the world the day that marijuana becomes legal or that everything will suddenly crumble.
We need infrastructure. That's what we're doing, and we want to consult as many people as possible. Your government is holding consultations like never before in the past 10 years. We want to make positive progress and ensure the safety of our children, in particular. That's what I can add.
I have no other questions, Mr. Chair.