I share something with Mr. Blair in policing. I have three sons who are policemen. I like to think sometimes I'm a little bit of a libertarian. One time in the course of conversation we got talking about the legalization of marijuana. I said, “I'm a libertarian. I think if people want to smoke, let them smoke.” I have to tell you, they came on me like white on rice. These are my police officer sons. They said I was out of my mind. They started to list.... I don't have time to talk about the issues they talked about.
This is the police force. These are the people who are on the front line, and I have yet to meet anybody...with the exception of Mr. Blair. I'm sure there are others, but I haven't met them yet. How many people in law enforcement are just telling us to put the brakes on, that we don't know what we're doing, and that we have to understand that there are implications here that we haven't dealt with yet? Why aren't you listening to those groups and why don't we get a little bit of a sense of calmness from that group if you indeed have been dialoguing with them?