Thank you, Ministers, for coming.
Minister Goodale, I take to heart particularly what you say about how we need to address the criminal gang problem. I practised emergency medicine in Winnipeg for almost 20 years and was intimately familiar as to why we were the murder capital of Canada. I, quite frankly, lost count of the number of bullet wounds and stab wounds I treated. The vast majority of those were due to the illegal drug trade, most of that being cannabis.
I thank you, and I appreciate the statistics that you were able to quote from Washington and Colorado about the market share that has gone down from the illegal market due to the legalization.
Another big public safety issue that, again, I became intimately familiar with, was impaired driving in all of its forms. We know that, as you said, this is something that is going on. Legalization isn't going to create this. We know it's happening. Do we have any data right now as to the prevalence of people who, today, are driving impaired on cannabis?
I don't mean accident victims on whom simply the presence was found, but data on collisions and their prevalence due to impaired driving due to cannabis?