I don't personally like the term “over-prescribing”, but I think we have a significant amount of unnecessary use. Over-prescribing implies almost an intentional effort to put more drugs into an animal than what you might need. I think there are circumstances where we have habitually or traditionally used antibiotics because we've always done it that way. Maybe we need to look at it and we can reduce it.
Again, to the growth promotion claims, the uses are there for growth, but they will go away, and that will cause a significant reduction. That probably is over-prescribing. They weren't prescribed; we were just using them.
I think there's a good case to be made that we have to ask, every time we use an antibiotic, why we're using it. Is it really needed? Is there something else we can do instead to prevent the need for that drug and move forward? But I don't think we have rampant over-prescribing per se.