There certainly will be an impact with that change. The objective of the change is to meet the goal of veterinary oversight of the use of antimicrobials in food-producing animals and to make a realistic expectation that veterinarians will be engaged. The drugs are made to be prescription only; that's how that's been implemented, so that will have an impact. I don't think it's an insurmountable impact. Most livestock producers and animal owners have a relationship with a veterinarian, and if they have a legitimate disease, they'll be able to get those pharmaceuticals prescribed and appropriately dispensed.
I think the biggest change is going to come in the antimicrobials that are used in animal feed, because veterinarians have not been involved in that. We have some work to do over the next short while to train veterinarians how to write those prescriptions properly and how to get the information to the feed mill that they need to safely mix the drugs appropriately to the required levels and whatnot.
There is some work to be done, but I don't think it's going to be a crisis impact, if that's your question. I think it's just something we'll manage, and we'll move forward. I think it will be a positive step forward.