I'm just thinking that there is no end to interesting topics that are worth studying. There are hundreds of them, and they're all good suggestions.
For me, in terms of process, we don't have the topic for our next major study. We're coming to the end of pharmacare and we don't have a major initiative set. We were to come to this meeting to start thinking about that, so I think it's appropriate to move motions at this meeting.
I was struggling to understand the federal component of John's suggestion until he talked about advertising, so I understand there is a federal tie-in there.
Again, I'll say that the virtue of indigenous health is it's a complete federal responsibility squarely within our responsibility. I'm going to move that we at least agree in principle to study that.
I'm okay on where you fold it in timing-wise, because we're going to have to be quite flexible on when it starts. This may take the better part of a year to get the eight, 10, or 12 meetings that we will probably need for it. We may not even finish it by the next election. I think it would send a really strong signal to the indigenous community, and again, it's completely reflective of the government's priorities of making a priority of the indigenous relationship.
I'm going to move that we have a vote on that, and that we determine whether this committee wants to study indigenous health.