I have two other potential topics, if I could introduce them.
One is pandemic planning. We don't have to go back very far to remember H1N1 and the significant shortage of antivirals that were available at that time. People were queueing, and there was concern across Canada about that shortage.
I don't know right now what...there hasn't been a significant viral concern lately and our eyes are off it, so it might be a good time to consider our pandemic plan. Do we have sufficient capacity to produce antivirals if they're needed as the next pandemic comes forward? That's one we could probably do a fairly quick study on.
The second one is a women's mental health issue, particularly focused on eating disorders. From my own personal experience, advertising and healthy body images is a really important topic particularly for young women who suffer from eating disorders. Some other jurisdictions have moved forward to require statements in advertising when a human image has been modified or computer modified, so that there is an awareness that the image is not of a normal human shape.
I thought there should be something around eating disorders, around women's mental health, with a focus on advertising. Is there a way for us to begin to look at a national direction around advertising?