I will explain. With respect to 100% fruit juice, how is it processed and how is it developed? They get the juice from a fruit; it's squeezed out of it. It's then heated at very high levels to kill bacteria and effectively all the vitamins and minerals are removed when they do this heating or processing. What's left is sugars known as free sugars. Then the juice is later fortified with vitamins and minerals, and that's how you end up with 100% fruit juice.
The issue with this is that it's really no different from fortifying Coke. If you took Coke and you fortified it with vitamins and minerals, it's basically the same process as what's being done with fruit juice. The concern we have, once again, is that it has very high levels of sugars and we know that's associated with dental caries. That's why Health Canada is also quite concerned and trying to propose to remove 100% fruit juice as an alternative to fruits. We should not be recommending to Canadians that they drink fruit juice as an alternative to fruits. Canadians should eat their fruits, not drink them.