Mr. Cunningham, Mr. James, or Mr. Ostiguy, whoever wants to answer this, I remember my dad telling me that when he started smoking in the fifties people kind of knew it was bad, and it was frowned upon, but they didn't know that it caused cancer. In my lifetime, I've seen the development of tobacco products lead to to a light cigarette, a slim cigarette, and lower tar. There has been a gradual movement of the industry to adjust and to try to convince people that smoking is less harmful.
Here, we're standing on the cusp of a new product. We have vaping and we have heat-not-burn products. I'm not sure what else is ingested when you suck in the liquid nicotine. I'd be curious to know if there are any other chemicals. Do we have any concern that we're not going to be having a conversation 20 years from now, like my dad did with me in the fifties, when we'll be saying, gee, we wish we knew back in 2018 that there were more harmful effects from vaping or heat-not-burn products? Or are we sure at this point that this is not the case?