Don't worry, I'm coming back to Mr. Ostiguy on this.
On the plain packaging, I'm going to be a little harsh on this. I view tobacco products to be an addictive carcinogen. They have no redeeming features whatsoever. We're the health committee, so I think we should be doing everything we can to stamp them out.
I think the tobacco industry is like a corporate zombie. It just keeps coming and coming if we don't close every single loophole. That's the experience, I think, Australia has.
I'm curious on the plain packaging. Is there strong enough language? I'll put it this way. The federal government, in terms of the brand names on the package...“the proposed regulations concerning plain packaging, Health Canada did not include the option of further regulating brand names beyond limiting the number of words they [can] contain.”
Is that strong enough, or are we going to see “Smoking Makes You Taller, Richer, Better Looking, and Sexier Inc.”