The first thing is to find out what you have tried in the past. Most people have tried many different things in the past. We have to build on that experience.
Now, we have to also assess how addicted you are. Are you a hard-core smoker or a light smoker? If you're a hard-core smoker, we have to assess this. It could be assessed by the number of cigarettes you smoke, and of course, in a clinic such as ours we measure the nicotine level in the blood, which is a much better way of assessing the amount of dependence a person has.
Then we discuss with the patient what they would like to start with. Usually we would start with pharmacotherapy approved by Health Canada, nicotine replacement therapy. It's only recently that we have seen advertising recommending combined nicotine replacement therapy. We've been using this for 15 years. The patch does provide a level of nicotine, which is very low and doesn't give the kick that a smoker gets from a cigarette. You need a way of delivering nicotine that will go to your brain much faster than by any of these devices, so we have to use combined therapy.
I had a patient with severe emphysema. He was unable to climb the six stairs coming up to the clinic. He was admitted two or three times a year for COPD exacerbation. He was using his action plan every month. We gave him Champix, we gave him patches, we gave him nicotine gums, we gave him bupropion, and all of them were failures.
He decided to buy an electronic cigarette. After one year, his concentration of nicotine in the electronic cigarette was down to three milligrams per ml. He was not admitted for any COPD exacerbation and he didn't use his action plan, except for once during that winter, and since he had a construction business, he converted a room in his house into a gym.
I could tell you success stories like this time and time again, but there's not one way of approaching; this is the sort of thing we have to discuss with the patient. Unfortunately, we don't have what they have in Europe. Each hospital should have a good smoking cessation clinic that can address these cases of hard-core, addicted smokers.,