This is, again, a package from Australia. The brand name still appears, so you're able to tell which brand is which. On the inside, on the cigarette—and companies are allowed to do this—there are letters and numbers that are unique to each brand. That's one way they are allowed, and they do in Australia, to make it a distinctive brand. Health Canada is contemplating that as well.
In Canada we do have on the package a tax marking. It's like money. It's a unique number for every different package. That will continue. But I think we can enhance that with a marking directly on the cigarette so we can tell what is intended for legitimate sale in Canada and what is not. It will be a bilingual message, and short, ”Every cigarette is doing you damage. Smoking kills”, and a toll-free quit number. You wouldn't have it on exported product. If somebody's in the United States or some other country, and they want to divert something to Canada, it's a different step to have a marking. If it has a marking intended for Canada, and they say it's for the United States, they're going to get caught. If it doesn't have the Canadian marking, it's not. It's a further tool to help enforcement authorities. There's good research to support it as well.