For example, in Great Britain, three million people stopped smoking with the electronic cigarette. Farsalinos in Europe with a Euromonitor study said that they estimate that 27 million people stopped smoking with the electronic cigarette.
As I said before, if there were some ill effects of the electronic cigarette on the cardiovascular system or on the pulmonary system, they would have appeared in our scientific literature, and they haven't. I don't need a placebo-controlled, double-blind study to tell me that I am less likely to kill somebody if I drive 20 kilometres per hour in downtown Ottawa than if I drive 120 kilometres per hour.
Knowing that the carcinogenic substances, which could be a concern, are in such a low concentration in the vape of the electronic cigarette, I think that this is a risk....
I'm not saying that it is completely harmless. The Royal College of Physicians in London doesn't say it's 100% proven safe. They say it's 95% less harmful than the tobacco cigarette. Most of the damage from tobacco comes from combustion, and if you do have a product that doesn't have combustion, then you eliminate many of the ill effects of tobacco.