I think it's important to understand that we are not against smokers; we're against the industry. We want youth and young adults to be informed of how the industry targets them. We we want them to be informed to understand what the product does when used, and we want them to have the tools and resources to be able to resist this manipulative marketing.
I think it's important, first, to limit the industry ability in total to advertise and target youth and young adults. That's step one. Step two is to really have youth and young adults understand what a cigarette is or what tobacco products are and what happens when they use them, but also allow them to understand that they have great freedom right now. They don't have to worry about emphysema, heart failure, or any of these diseases that unfortunately afflict other people, and we want to help them understand how the use of tobacco causes that. They should also understand that there's no such thing as good nicotine and bad nicotine. Nicotine is nicotine. It's a drug, and it's an addictive drug. When you use it, you get happy in the head, and then again, and again, and again. As people have seen, when you get addicted to a drug, life doesn't tend to go up; it tends to go down.