McMaster's tobacco-free policy means that there are no tobacco products sold on campus and tobacco can't be used on campus. What McMaster is undertaking is that between now and March it's a soft launch, meaning that if people are found to be using tobacco products on campus they will be asked to leave campus and use it elsewhere. After that, there will be a hard implementation.
In addition to that, they will also let the McMaster community know that indigenous use of tobacco for sacred purposes will be allowed, because we don't want to hinder that culture. Furthermore, McMaster is also working with its local neighbourhood to ensure that the people who would usually smoke on campus don't end up going to smoke in these neighbourhoods to cause more smoking in those neighbourhoods that are so beautiful.
Lastly, the McMaster community has committed a considerable amount of resources to help its staff, students, faculty members, and any person who may want to quit smoking to access those resources, and they're working hand in hand with Hamilton Public Health to really make that happen.