This is an attempt to protect consumers and also public safety.
We had many discussions about the spread of illegal cigarettes in this country. Believe me, it's a lot worse and with a much greater impact than most of us in this room have acknowledged. I know this personally from over 40 years experience with this industry. Illegal tobacco has been named as the key contributor financially to the blowing up of the twin towers. This is how serious this is. Whether people like to believe that or not, it has been proven to be a fact.
By going to plain packaging, plain tubes, plain filters, etc., both law enforcement and consumers are going to have a very difficult time identifying whether they're getting legal cigarettes. I think that having some markings will help mitigate the spread of tobacco, which by the way, in Canada is a much bigger problem than it was in places like Australia or England because we and our neighbours to the south actually have tobacco-growing industries, some of which are legal here. Neither illegal nor legal tobacco-growing industries exist in those other two countries.