Sorry, I didn't understand Dr. Eyolfson's comment, because it certainly was not our intention to do the opposite of what it intends. The amendment says that “No person shall promote a vaping product, including by means of the”—and then it adds the words—“that the product has a flavour that could be appealing to young persons.”
I don't know how in any way tightening the flavouring prohibitions in the act to make sure they could not convince young persons could have any intended effect other than to make flavouring less appealing to young persons.
I'm sorry. What section is he referring to? Is it 30.46? I just want to make sure I understand what those sections are that have his concern. Is it section 30.46? I'm sorry, it's difficult numbering. Is it 30.4, 30.6, and 30.8? It's section 30.46. Let me get to that. Is it subsection 30.46(1)?