As you come through the border, first of all, you will be able to see those arrival screens saying, “Tell the border services officer if you're sick and you come from this area.” You would go through the kiosk and have the screening questions. When a flag comes up from that kiosk, the CBSA officer will look at that and say, “Okay, this is someone from an affected area.” In fact, they would screen anyone who's sick. That's their normal job every day, actually.
At that moment in time they will ask you.... In fact, they're not wearing masks and are not suited up. These are regular CBSA officers. As soon as they see that checked box, if you like, from the kiosk, and if you have any symptoms or you say you've had symptoms, you will be safely asked to distance yourself. Then, as appropriate, there are areas at the airport where you can undergo further assessment as needed.
The border services officers will ask you to wait. They will be calling the Public Health Agency's quarantine service for further assessment. Then, if necessary, if you actually have symptoms—and we have a very low threshold for further assessing someone—a quarantine order for examination will be put in place.
You will be safely transported to the emergency room. We already have designated hospitals, which have been collaborating ahead of time, next to those airports, which will then receive you. You will then be assessed by the physician in the ER. Then, depending on what they find, you'll be appropriately managed.