Are there any further motions? No.
Since there is more than one candidate nominated for the position of second vice-chair, it's our duty to proceed by secret ballot, pursuant to the Standing Orders of the House of Commons. Before proceeding, I will very briefly explain the process.
My colleague Alexandre Roger, who is also a procedural clerk at the House of Commons, will distribute a ballot to each member of the committee.
You have to clearly print the first and last name of the candidate on the ballot and deposit it in the box we will pass around the table. We will then count the ballots and I will announce the elected candidate. If no candidate receives a majority of the votes, another ballot will have to be conducted.
Before we distribute the ballots, allow me to repeat the names of the candidates nominated. We have Mr. Davies and also Mr. Thériault.
I wish you a good vote.
Mr Chair, one candidate has won.
I declare that Mr. Thériault received the majority of the votes and is elected second vice-chair of the committee.