I could add to Barry's point about the mixed messaging, which I think was the start of that question.
Certainly we talked about the 30-day supply, but we are definitely discouraging patients, particularly if they're vulnerable, symptomatic or don't feel comfortable coming into the pharmacy. Many pharmacies actually have seniors' hours for patients if they feel more comfortable coming in when there are fewer people, but again, if they're symptomatic or sick or don't want to come in, we are more than willing to deliver, and we continue to deliver.
As I mentioned earlier, pharmacies across the country have committed to a dramatic increase in deliveries so as to reduce the number of patients coming in. Also, pharmacies are taking phone calls. They're talking to patients over the phone and putting up signage, and they're definitely, in every way, discouraging symptomatic, vulnerable or senior patients from visiting their pharmacies. We want to protect their health and ours, and I think the messaging has been very clear on that.