Thank you, and I appreciate that. I apologize for interrupting. I only have a short amount of time.
You mentioned a number of aspects, noting that things are always changing and appearing to change every day. Your comments about the masks are important. The reality is, where are we getting those masks from? We've brought it up with the minister in committee a number of times the question of where these masks are coming from and how quickly can we get them.
Many of you today have talked about the protocols that have been set up. The reality was that after SARS, we developed those protocols. It appears that a lot of times in hospitals, especially in rural hospitals, if you ask a lot of people and where their protocols are from 2005, they don't even know where those are. There is concern as to whether those protocols that were established after SARS are actually being followed.
I'll throw this question to Dr. Mohammad.
Before COVID-19 began to spread across the world, I'm wondering if you or your hospital were aware of the processes and protocols that had been developed previously. I recognize that your hospital is bigger than a lot of ones across Canada, but how often are the health care professionals in your jurisdiction required to review these protocols? How often do you do simulated tests and procedures to make certain that your hospital...? I ask this both from your point of view and also that of smaller hospitals across Canada. How often are those being implemented? Are they done yearly, weekly, monthly?