You're absolutely correct. The single worst thing that we can do is a bunch of small, underpowered studies that will not allow us to answer the questions you're raising.
One focus we are working on now intensively with Health Canada as well as across our partner groups is to ensure that there is an avenue by which these studies can be done, and done in a manner in which they will be truly informative to us and provide answers.
A lot of things that are being reported out in the community right now with regard to certain drug efficacies are on extremely small numbers. We are learning that somebody who is 30 years old is not the same in the disease as somebody who is 70 or 80 years old.
To be able to answer your questions, not only in the broader sense but in terms of what populations they will work at, we are working hard on that. Those things are coming forward as we speak. We will be able to answer more. It is a very strong Canadian focus.